Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why did I start this again?

I have no idea why. I just felt the need to write something again. Even if it's just random postings on a blog. I don't know what this is going to turn into. I may post reviews of things, movies and videogames most likely. I may just rant about my day. I'm even thinking of trying to write a story again, even though I haven't written anything since that one year of college.

Be warned, there will be much swearing. I chose not to activate the adult content since I won't actually be discussing thing like sex or posting porn or anything like that. I may post the occasional hot chick, but she'll be somewhat clothed. However, I will most likely curse and talk about things that may offend people.

Anyway, I know this is short for a first post, but I'm tired so I'm going to end this with my favorite link of the day:

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