Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What the fuck is wrong with my dog?

This is my dog Nibbles:

That's an old pic of her, but she hasn't changed much and I'm too lazy to upload a newer one. Anyway, Nibbles has a disgusting habit. She eats nasty shit. When I say "shit" I actually mean "shit". I come home from work today and there's one of Connor's diapers torn open in the middle of the living room floor. It was a particularly nasty diarrhea diaper from the day before. Apparently, Nibbles got hungry and dug it out of the garbage can and ate anything that was coated in Connor's Hershey squirts. She also topped off her snack with a few choice nuggets from the cat box.

What the fuck? We give her perfectly good food, table scraps and plenty of treats. Why in the hell does she feel the need to eat, quite literally, crap? There's actually been times where I've been walking her and we pass up some random pile of dog shit and she sniffs it and sometimes, tries to eat it. Then she wants to be all affectionate and lick my hand or something soon afterward. Fucking eww!

Dumbass dog...

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