Sunday, July 6, 2008

What's the point of trash talking in online games?

I just don't get it. Why waste the effort? I just got done playing a few rounds of the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix Beta. I was playing some guy who did not fucking shut up the entire match. He kept up a constant stream of taunts and insutlts, which did no good because I still kicked his ass. I even got a perfect victory in the 2nd round and that still did not shut him up. He said I suck. Really? I'm the one still standing, you're laying on the ground unconscious and I'm the one that sucks?

Another similar incident happened the other night when I was playing some Free For All in Call of Duty 4 on my 360. Some guy got a decent kill on me and I said "Ooh! Good one!" and he responds with "Yeah, you like that just like your mom did." What the hell? Here I was trying to be nice and mature and that dick responds with that? What's the point? It didn't make me feel bad, it just baffled me. It didn't distract me to the point to where I couldn't play the game, I just muted him.

Why do people insist on doing this? I just don't understand. Sure, trash talking is kind of fun in the right circumstances. Like when you're in a room with a bunch of friends or you really did get a good victory, but even then, there's a freakin' limit. I have to admit that night I was playing CoD4 with some of my friends and we were all just saying "Dental plan! Lisa needs braces!" over and over again was fucking hysterical. There's a big difference between trash talking for fun and doing it just to be an obnoxious asshole and to piss people off.

Another thing that I don't get is why people get mad and start trash talking you when you're kicking their ass. It's not my fault you suck don't take it out on me. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of getting drawn into an argument with you over name calling. Although, I will admit that I take a special kind of joy in not uttering a peep against those kind of players as I continue to kick their asses and they keep getting more and more frustrated. If you're kicking my ass then I'm obviously doing something wrong. Sure, I get annoyed, but I don't go around calling everyone names and shit. I just buckle down and try to do better.

I'm not going to say much about the extremely annoying little kids on Live calling everyone fags and niggers and other crap like that. I'm just scared that they're the future of the world. What in the hell is an 8 year old doing playing Grand Theft Auto 4 online anyway? I don't try to be too restricting on what my kid watches/plays/listens to, but I'm sure as hell not going to let him play GTA4 until he's older. Even if I would let him play the game, if I caught him using language like that, it would be the end of him playing any kind of videogames for a long time.

I think my problem is that I expect too much from people on Xbox Live. I need to realize that 90% of the other players are douchebags and there's nothing I can do to change it so I should just accept it and enjoy playing with those who are fun to play with. I'll continue to compliment those who deserve it and even offer advice to those that need it and are willing to take it. Although, I don't know how qualified I am in the advice department. I'm not nearly as good as some of my buds on my XBL friends list. I am getting better at Call of Duty 4 though.

If anyone wants to play, my Gamertag is made of spam. I play Call of Duty 4 the most and I'll be getting Soul Calibur 4 when it drops in a few weeks. I also occasionally play Team Fortress 2 although it's been a while since I've played that. I would play Halo 3, but for some reason I just don't see the big deal over that game.

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