Saturday, July 12, 2008

Been busy...

Like anyone reads this anyway. Oh well, like the title says, I've been busy. Thinks are all right with the exception that I don't have a car now. My wife, son and I were driving back from the Philadelphia Zoo today and we hit an old couple that ran a stop sign. It sucks, but the important thing is that we're all okay. Connor wasn't even scared. He was playing my DS and chatting with all the police, firemen and paramedics that showed up.

This upcoming week is going to be a major nerd-gasm for me. Besides The Dark Knight coming out, I'm excited about E3. I'm really looking forward to learning some new stuff about Resident Evil 5 among many other games I'm interested in. As for The Dark Knight, I've been following the progress of this movie forever and I'm almost literally vibrating in anticipation of it's release. I won't be able to see it until Saturday, but it will be worth it to see it on IMAX.

Actually, I think I may make The Dark Knight my first attempt at writing a movie review in years. We'll have to see how that goes. I can already tell you that the review is going to be positive.

That's all for now. I'm kinda tired and I'm distracted by some really bad horror movie on cable right now. Later...

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